Monday, November 25, 2013

How i Did It

Welllll,, when google says you will delete everything if you click that button,,,it means it.  What started all of this, was when my sis needed an email sent to her on my computer, (gamil) sooo,,, I saw her name and clicked on it without realizing it wasn't her.  The numbers were wrong, BUT, that set that darned address as my primary address, and with GOOGLE, you do NOT get to change that!!!  So, for months I've used an address that isn't mine nor hers with all the google stuff.  Tried to fix it before, but yesterday, I thot I could delete everything and redo it.  WELL you can't!  Good ol google.  When I deleted it all, it took all my blogger stuff, posts and all.  Tried and tried to do what it said to get it back, but nothing ever worked, sooo here I am,,,starting all over.  I didn't have them backed up either.   Really really hate that I lost all of them.

Gonna try one more thing,, reset back a week.  Will let yall know..

Tc, and


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